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CDI Fellows

Professor Eivor Oborn

Eivor Oborn is current Professor of Healthcare Management, in the area of Innovation and Organisational Behaviour at Warwick Business School, UK.  She earned her PhD at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in 2006 and was a recipient of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship.  Her research interests focuses largely on digital innovation in healthcare contexts, thus taking into account professions, multidisciplinary working, knowledge management and collaborative innovation processes. She has published in numerous journals including Information Systems Research, Organisation Science, Organisation Studies and MIS Quarterly.

Professor Bob Hinings

Bob Hinings is a Professor Emeritus in the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta. He has a long record of studying organizational change in regard to new ways of doing business especially in professionally based organizations. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Organization and Management Theory Division of the U.S. Academy of Management.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the U.S. Academy of Management.  He is an Honorary Member of the European Group for Organizational Studies and he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Montreal for his contributions to the discipline of organization theory.

Dr Magdalini Papadaki

Turning breakthrough science into innovative solutions lies at the heart of meaningful social impact and economic growth. Magda’s passion is found at the interface of science and entrepreneurship, in particular how the two are reshaping the way in which high value therapeutics are developed and commercialized. As Lead Technologist for the Innovate UK program in Regenerative Medicine, she is supporting the emerging enterprise of advanced treatments: identifying and funding promising discoveries alongside solutions in process, policy and business that can advance their entire path to market and clinical adoption.


Magda has multiyear experience in the design of new translational paths and stakeholder collaborations in biomedicine. A stem cell and gene therapy scientist by training, combines over a decade in academic research, including Oxbridge and MIT, with regulatory, entrepreneurship and business experience in the EU and US. Before joining Innovate UK, she worked in healthcare policy reform as a core member of the MIT consortium on Adaptive Licensing. She has also worked extensively on the global space of collaborative innovation, investigating the dynamic of new partnership models to leverage collective intelligence and resources. Her experience in the pharma industry has been with Novartis, leading the Regulatory Affairs functions for Consumer Health in Greece and Cyprus.

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Professor Yolande Chan

Yolande E. Chan is E. Marie Shantz Professor of IT Management at Queen’s University in Canada. She holds a Ph.D. from Ivey Business School at Western University, an M.Phil. in Management Studies from Oxford University, and S.M. and S.B. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. She is a Rhodes Scholar. Prior to joining Queen’s University, Dr. Chan worked with Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) in Toronto, Canada.


Dr. Chan conducts research on digital strategy, digital innovation, and knowledge strategies, and has published her research in leading journals. She sits on several editorial boards. Dr. Chan has been nominated for, and has received, teaching awards and doctoral supervision awards.


Dr. Chan is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). She is a past Secretary of the AIS. At Queen’s, she has served as Associate Vice-Principal (Research) and as the university’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Leader. She currently is the university’s Academic Colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities.

Dr Tim Murdoch

Tim leads Digital Services for Cambridge Consultants. Previously, Tim led the design, development, deployment and operation of M-PESA, Vodafone’s game-changing mobile payment platform for emerging markets. M-PESA is now moving over 40% of Kenya’s GDP, and has proven the commercial viability and huge capacity for mobile in delivering digital services vital to economies across the globe.
Tim has won awards for innovation and technology, and originated patents in objected orientated database systems and mobile payments. He is also an Industrial Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and continues to guide Semantic Traction, an initiative in machine learning and social media analytics.

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